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Released 2017 by




Released 2017 by




Underscore Tracks â€‹

A selection of underscore tracks composed for film in my studio...






2017  “Flow” released by Inner Pulse
2017 “Impermanent Rainbow” released by Inner Pulse
2012 "Sarmad" released in collaboration with sound practitioner Gordon Coxon
2011 "Equilibrium" released on Unity Partner Yoga DVD by Being in Unity
2010 "Eternal Breath" - released on DVD by Cuppa Creations
2007 "Dreamweave" - album
2006 "Sonic Inspirations" - album
2002 "Inner Wall" - album
1998 "Full Circle" - album
1996 "The Dancer" - Music for contemporary dance performance


To listen to the albums not included here please send a message for a link


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